Use "marginalization|marginalizations" in a sentence

1. The first and largest cost results from the economic marginalization of Aboriginal people.

2. Generally speaking, the models of acculturation may be divided into assimilation, integration, separation and marginalization.

3. Adriana added that, despite this marginalization, there is a lot of pride behind the word cAmpesino

4. Variations in ways of Acculturating have become known by the terms integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization

5. The situation of indigenous women is often compounded by additional gender-based marginalization, discrimination and violence.

6. Interestingly, we find that when there is a negotiation agent, the negotiation agent enhances the double marginalization effect when the OS company canvasses for Cargos, whereas it weakens the double marginalization effect when the IS companies canvass for Cargos

7. Malnourishment, due to age-based food rationing, violence against women and children, as well as marginalization and radicalization remained serious issues.

8. The greatest threat to security and stability lay in socio-economic inequality, political marginalization and neglect of values

9. Due to the stylistic indefiniteness and affiliatedness(sentence dictionary), reportage of the early stage shows a characteristic of marginalization.

10. The Steel Bankeress exposes all kinds of petty jealousy, rivalry and marginalization being carried out in the banking sector and how some female bankers can be mean

11. The marginalization of many developing countries, especially in Asia & Africa, calls for intensified international co-operative efforts, international policy coherence and co-ordination.

12. • TV Dinner: compartmentalized, distinct areas, not much mixing • Acculturational Orientations: • Integration: maintain cultural traditions while becoming an integral part of host society • Marginalization: devaluing cultural heritage but no significant connection with …

13. His assassination led to the marginalization of the LTTE from the international community, and is generally considered to be the moment when the LTTE lost much of its sympathy in the eyes of foreign nations.

14. Some delegations illustrated, through country examples, a prevailing youth-oriented and “ageist” culture that was widening and had led to a gradual exclusion, marginalization and de-prioritization of older people’s rights in many ways.

15. Peace agreements need to recognize women’s increased vulnerability and marginalization during conflict and its aftermath and address the gender dimensions of social upheaval, poverty, loss of infrastructure, social and economic disruption and insecurity caused by conflict.

16. Ageism refers to discriminatory or prejudiced behavior and attitudes towards people based solely on age. Ageism causes the systematic mistreatment and marginalization of people based on age alone, just as racism and sexism does so based on categories of skin color and gender.

17. Couser is particularly interested in issues of narrative authority, in how Autopathography can be counterdiscursive to the prevailing biomedical narrative, and, especially, in how Autopathography is counterdiscursive to the cultural stigmatization and marginalization that often accompany illness or disability ["insofar as autobiography is the

18. Feminist Criticism is also concerned with less obvious forms of marginalization such as the exclusion of women writers from the traditional literary canon: "unless the critical or historical point of view is feminist, there is a tendency to underrepresent the contribution of women writers" (Tyson 84)

19. Essai sur l'Abjection) is a 1980 book by Julia Kristeva.The work is an extensive treatise on the subject of Abjection, in which Kristeva draws on the theories of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan to examine horror, marginalization, castration, the phallic signifier, the "I/Not I" dichotomy, the Oedipal complex, exile, and

20. Accordingly, President Fox’s administration established the Office for the Development of Indigenous Peoples and later the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, whose objectives are: to enable the direct participation of indigenous peoples in national development; to ensure that indigenous communities interact with all sectors of society and at all three levels of government - federal, state and municipal; and to help overcome their disadvantages and combat the structural causes of their marginalization in order to improve the living conditions of indigenous peoples, while respecting their habits and customs.